Quatrefolic, L-methylfolate and Vitamin B12
For Healthy Pregnancy
30 Tablets



Product Description

Description :
Folsim contains Quatrefolic, L-methylfolate and Vitamin B12 which essential for the maintenance of cellular functions and health. Folate deficiency is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies and eating folate-rich foods may not provide the recommended daily dosage; thus the need for supplementation.

Quatrefolic helps maintain sufficient levels of folate during pregnancy, lowering the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) and birth defects.

L-methylfolate can be used to treat or prevent low levels of folate in the body. It is also used to help manage depression or mood in patients with low folate levels who are already taking an antidepressant or mental health medication.

Vitamin B12 can increase the risk of your baby developing a serious birth defect known as a neural tube defect. The neural tube is a narrow channel that eventually forms the brain and spinal cord.

Suggested Dose:
1 to 2 tablets daily or as directed by the physician.